Julian Stańczak (1928-2017) - an outstanding Polish painter who permanently resided in the United States. Julian Stańczak's work is most often associated with the op-art movement, although the artist himself was reluctant to accept such classification. The main reason for his doubts was the association of this type of art with purely formal solutions based on creating illusions. Contrary to popular opinions, his painting had a rich theoretical background, expressing a belief in an organized disorder of laws that can only be explored through intuition. He was deported to Siberia, lost the use of his right hand, and stayed in a refugee camp. He spent his youth in Uganda and had his first exhibition in Nairobi. In 1949, he emigrated with his family to the United Kingdom, where he began his studies at a polytechnic in London, and in 1950, he moved to the USA. He studied at Yale University, where he earned a Master of Art Sciences degree. In 1954, he graduated from the Cleveland Art Institute, and ten years later, he became a professor of painting there.